Tuesday, April 23, 2013



Going through infertility is sort of like going to the Olympics.

1)   YOU make all the sacrifices
2)   YOU eat healthy and take care of your body
3)   YOU follow ALL the rules
4)   YOU practice safety
5)   YOU make it to the finish line
6)   YOU WIN - but haven’t received the medal


As a woman we hit puberty and thus we begin our reproductive cycle each and every month.  We get use to the cramps, headaches, bloating and discomfort… B/C we know that sometime in the future it will all be worth it.  We will have the reward of becoming a parent. That is the point, right?
You have a period so that you can have the chance to create life. So when you make it this far and then have a difficult time conceiving you feel completely let down.  You feel like you have prepared yourself the best you could, ran the distance, crossed the line and did not get the reward.  Well, I want the reward.  I want the baby. I WANT THAT GOLD MEDAL!!! 

I have been entangled in this infertility drama for a few years now and have had thousands of emotional and physical ups and downs. Financially, it’s just one big dive into a gaping pit and without the support from family and friends it wouldn’t even be possible. But emotionally, this has become one giant roller coaster. With all that said - I am NOT a quitter, but these days I find it more and more difficult to “NEVER GIVE UP”! -

Join the movement --- 1 in 8.

Infertility affects 1 in 8 people.

Join me in supporting
National Infertility Awareness Week 2013.