Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Infertility - BREAK the SILENCE

After a long afternoon at my non-profit film making class. I spent the weekend putting together this 2 minute film on awareness. It is time to speak up. Even if I cannot help myself, I want to share my journey to help others along the path...

Infertility Break the Silence Film

Walk of Hope 2015 "Team Body Shots"

I am so overjoyed to share the experience our support group had at the Walk of Hope in Sacramento. The Walk of Hope represents more than just putting on a t-shirt and coming out together as a team to walk a mile—it’s a movement. A movement to tell the community that they are Not Alone and to inspire hope; a movement to make friends and family aware of what those with infertility feel; and a movement to raise money to help individuals have access to build their family and for legislators to consider expanding and creating greater coverage. Advocating for those among us, for those after us and for those that fought this battle before is truly inspirational. There is another side to this long roller coaster. I promise you. I am so proud of my team "Body Shots" for their courage to stand up from behind the closed doors of our monthly meeting and advocate for this disease that has shifted many of our lives forever.